Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Stinkhorn aka "Kulat Pak Pandir"

The stinkhorn or locally known as "Kulat Pak Pandir" is not edible for its foul smell - though not so strong. Less common than the cow dung mushroom, but grow all year round. Usually left undisturbed but for the curious who would stop to admire its beauty...

A cluster of stinkhorn "eggs" at the bottom of one cili padi tree trunk. One mushroom book reported that the egg stage is edible (no smell yet) and posesses aphrodisiac (what else?) properties...
The egg would cracked open and a spongy stalk and sticky cap would emerged. It's name is really inappropriate for its beauty. Who would have think of such a funny name?

Close-up to its stalk - the more common type has yellow "veil" and not white like this one....
The foul smell attracts insects to its sticky cap - nature's way to spread its spores...
...at the end of its life, the mushroom wilted and "sujud"... I hope to have a similar end, amin...

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