Saturday, May 30, 2009

Wild Passion...

Passion fruit or locally known as "buah susu" or "mangkisar". We used to pluck it in the wild - nobody planted the creeper before heheheh. The wild passion fruit vines grown all over the place. If not for my brother insistance, I would clear all, for it is bushy and grow very fast. So, we keep a few plants that grow on the fence, along the angled bean trees. Although the vines grow fast, but its take longer time to fruit. The creeper plant started growing about the same time as the angled bean, but is yet to fruit - not for much longer I guess, for the flowers are blooming...

The thick bush...

A blooming flower next to the bud on top

Sweet smelling purple white flower...

Sitting pretty...

Hope this one will turn into sweet, juicy passion fruit...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Garden Tomato

The single surviving tomato tree is producing good harvest. I have learned that I need to pick up the fruits earlier - cannot leave it ripe on the tree for it will go bad fast...

Any more ripe than this will spoil the fruit. So I have to pluck the fruit earlier and leave it to ripe off the tree.

MashaAllah, la kuwwata illabillah... Allah, Tuhan yang menumbuhkan dari tanah. Dari mati (tiada) kepada hidup dan mati semula... (dan hidup semula...)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Papaya Pt II

The papaya trees went through severe torture when growing up, to the suspected mousedeer who loves the shoots. Although some of the trees survive, but not without scars. Now almost all the trees, each producing sizeable fruits of different shapes (oblong or rounded). The flesh are of 2 shades, either orange or red. I personally prefer the orange colored, for although both are equally sweet; the orange colored flesh texture is usually finer.

Sooo thin...

But they survive for now…

One of the rare, isolated trees that survive the attacks, growing healthier.

Monday, May 11, 2009

At Last, the Dragon Moves

After many months of staring at the static saplings, finally the dragon fruit trees started branching out...


The Lemon Grass Farm

While I was away, my brother Amir has cleared part of the farm and planted lemon grass all over the place... Soon we will have to mass produce the herb hehehe
the cleared area and expanding...

close-up of the grass saplings