Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Hornets...

I don't know what attracts them, as we have not just one, but two hornet nest in the farm... One of the deadly insect, as recent tragedy in Sarawak. But this one is the tree-top hornet which is a bit less deadly than the "tebuan tanah" of the ground hornet.

Hanging precariously on top of kuini tree - just by a tiny branch and leaves...
Sarang tebuan jangan dijolok... - do not poke at the hornet's nest - but still, some people still so curious...

Update 3 - The Papaya

The papaya trees are surviving - bearing fruits continously, about equal share between us and monkeys and squirrels...
Alhamdulillah for the bounty...
Almost ready to pluck...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Enter the Ulam Raja!

Now with most of the cash crop such as tomatoes, brinjal, okra gone, and no replanting (for I am now away and can only occasionally visit the farm) one plant made a debut - I think the sapling was from Zie's garden? To the uninitiated, the Ulam Raja's shoot is good to go with budu or belacan (of course with rice and fried fish too). I have not heard it being cook though. Mostly taken on its own or made part of proper 'ulam' (mixed with other herbs and grated coconut and mashed grilled fish).

The plants grows among the (used to be tall) grass. The plant is quite sturdy and propagate easily. In no time it normally spread all over the area. The picture is not quite clear, as it was high noon - the only time I can spare in the farm...
Mmmmm yummy! The young shoot...
Its small pink flowers are irresistably beautiful... Enjoy the rest of the pictures, high noon or not...

Monday, October 19, 2009

Update 2 - The Dragon

One of the dragon fruit plant, grows faster than the others, beyond the post, high up to the sky... hehehe

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Update 1 - The Bananas

This was wahat reported some 10 months ago...

The little saplings from Ayah Wan, barely a month old.

Here is how they are now...

Standing tall among the others

Propagating rapidly

And fruiting! Yes! it is...

The 'flowers' opening from its 'heart' (how did they come out with the term of 'jantung pisang'??? beats me...)

Soon to turn into real bananas, inshaAllah...

This bunch is 3 weeks older, safely covered up, out of the monkeys and the big squirrels' view - while we still have the energy to cover up la.... hehheh