Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bird's Nest

Firstly, I apologize for neglecting the blog for quite sometime. Pressing priorities...

Recently a sparrow (we guess) built its nest on the young duku tree. I have not seen the bird yet, (despite I was in the farm almost every day). Quite surprising when the bird choose to built the nest so near to the pondok, and hanging low...

The young duku tree, about 6ft tall...

Neat work of art, stiching 2 leaves together. How long will it last? The most is until the leaves grow old and fall. Hopefully until the eggs hatch and the babies started flying...

Look at the stiches... and the small holes - how is it possible for the bird to make tiny holes like that and not breaking the leaves into pieces... I have been wondering also what made the yellowish thread... and the domestic waste, instead of the all natural building material?

A peep into the "living room" and found nobody home...

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