Friday, March 13, 2009

...Mushroom Again! - The Cousins

Rosnah came for a visit the other day, with a "quite new" camera. The more powerful, higher density, plenty of features and bigger screen (4x bigger!) compared to mine... Must admit that I am envious of her hehehehe. Nevertheless, we have good time together - as we were clicking our cameras, shooting the mushrooms.

As I mentioned earlier, Miss Pinky @ Alien was quite rare i.e. I have not seen before. To come across another similar type is a nice surprise, not only one, but two at one place, under the old durian tree!

First encountered this one, it was the day before that I spotted the budding mushroom, but I don't have a camera at the time... So, this is the picture on the day when the mushroom in full bloom... This type actually looks edible, I am quite certain it is the same type that was indicated in the book of England wild mushrooms.

While inspecting this mushroom, I spotted another one nearby, still budding...

Unlike the Pinky cousin, this one is almost pure white, with a hint of softest pink.

The sunrays make the picture looks heavenly - similar to the turmeric flowers earlier... On second look. it reminds me of the British Guard black hairy hat...

The day after, the bud is slowly opening up and its top torn in several places...

She really looks delicious!

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