Friday, January 16, 2009

The Alien

I stumbled upon a lone stalk of mushroom, one of the "kulat txxx lembu" I supposed, the bigger type. Quite rare and odd looking. The top was almost round, the size of slightly bigger than a golf ball, dark brown in appearance, with radiant pinkish white stalk. It was drizzling after heavy rain in the morning. I took her picture as I can, but not quite prepared and mindful of the wet floor.

Not satisfied with the result, I return to the site in the evening. To my surprise, the ball has opened up! There she was, so beautiful, and pink all over. I was on all four and took her picture until I was satisfied - I LOVE digital camera - no need to worry about changing film rolls hehehe. I really had a "field day"!

11 a.m the budding mushroom, if not for the rarity, would go unnoticed.

A closer look at the bottom. reminded me of the big headed alient character in the Star Trek movies... Wonder what Ummualya's active imagination would come up with....

6 p.m Full Bloom!

Under the canopy...

Delicate soft pink stalk, like a baby's bum...


Anonymous said...

dah lama tak singgah.. busy, travelling, site visit etc..

ntah nape this shots of "cow dung" mushroom remind me of Marilyn Monroe!!

and the one u mentioned from star trek movies is actually Kak Mah yang bakal gi Putrajaya bulan Mac nanti..
especially tang rambut dia.. he he

songketbungatabur said...
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nora said...

huahaaahhaha... since u mentioned it, I cannot disagree can I?