Friday, April 17, 2009

Progress Report - Apr 09

Been busy lately, and expecting to be busier in time to come... The farm is sort of neglected. But life goes on... Here is the progress report todate:

The new batch of stela - expecting for Aug/Sep harvest... or delay it a bit longer till after Eid?

The angled bean never stop producing... Alhamdulillah....

The tapioca in one corner - also expected harvest similar to the stelas... If it can last that long, for 2 days after this picture is captured, a strong wind has flatten a few trees.

The banana trees grow very well in the farm and started producing saplings - no fruit yet la! The sugarcane trees grow not as healthy, as I mentioned earlier the roots are not strong due to the white ants attack. But look at the grass!!! Hahahaha no time to "melerah" la....

Lemongrass - the most sturdy and care free plant...

The regular size tomato tree started bearing fruit - Alas! but one tree only survived, the rest of the batch saplings didn't survive the grasshoppers' attack.

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