Thursday, January 8, 2009

Other Permanent Residents

Other than durian and rambutan, I also planted one or two each of other permanent trees i.e. mangosteen, mango, ciku and jambu. We also have existing fruit trees that we kept in the farm, i.e duku, langsat (no need dokong eh, Aida/Ani?), kuini and rambai.

My favorite fruit - mangosteen! Bought in Balok Pasar Tani - Sooo slowww growing - slower than durian... This is the Thailand (again) variety - thinner skin and so sweet (the sales man say la...)

First shoots coming out - only after almost 6 months... Sabar je la...

Jambu, from Balok Pasar Tani - Not so keen to plant this one as I was made to understand that the jambu requires special attention and chemicals to get the sweet fruits like sold in the fruit stall. Otherwise, the fruit is bitter and fall off early - before it ripe properly.

Ciku from Agri Expo - Thailand variety (and again...) which is claimed to bear fruit earlier and sweeter than the Malaysian variety...

Duku! The 2nd batch since we work on the farm. The first batch of fruits were gone overnight when a group of bats partied all night long... I remember my late uncle would go to the kebun in the evening and hang the "pelita" on the tree to keep the bats away... I am thinking of hanging the blinking lights and make the big x-mas (duku) tree hahahah...


ummualya said...


Just come back from my kampung and from Terengganu (bukan gi pencalonan).. same day as nomination day! How about nagka madu, limau madu.. very nice! and cempedak madu.. planted by my father - berbuah sepanjang tahun.. my parents always share with whole kampungite!

Hmm tak sabo nak update blog.. tak sempat lagi nih

Dunia Miniature said...
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Dunia Miniature said...

hai kak noraaaa...

it's me... buah2 tu bila dah masak jangan lupa saya k. saya nak g panjant. kak... saya dah manage siapkan blog yg sempoi... cubalah kelih2 kot2 ada yg akak boleh betulkan...

saya tak pandai cakap omputeh macam kak ani n kak nora... saya bantai bahasa rojak saya jer...

jangan lupa saya... saya nak g panjat pokok...