Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Citrus

The common citrus in Malay culture, Lime has been used extensively, from adding jest in dishes, more often than not, is to weaken the fishy smell in laksa's gravy, budu, belacan or grilled fish, to refreshing drinks. It is also used for "mandi langir" in the olden days when soap and shower foam is not yet available. The lime is also a must item in "bomoh" rituals, either to use for spriritual cleansing or prophecy. Those who tried the "mandi bunga/mandi limau" knows what I mean...

The kaffir is used for the aroma, either from its fruits or leaves. Only after the influx of "tom yum" in Malaysia about some 20 years back, sees the popularity increase of the kaffir leaves used in cooking soup. Otherwise, it is used as one of the many herbs for the "mandi serum" for mothers in confinement and the sicks, to help improve blood circulations.

While the kalamansi is getting popular about the same time as kaffir - used as drink or milder alternative to lime.

The lime sapling, bought in Balok Pasar Tani at RM9/tree - from branch graft - so it is ready to produce fruit anytime...

The lime flower - emitting sweet citrus aroma. Look at the flower bud - a bit strange, with its 4 halves, but blooming out 5 petals...

The kalamansi sapling - bought at the same place at RM7/tree. Compared to lime, kalamansi is easier to care and has higher resistance to pests. That is why lime is fetching higher price in the market...

The kalamansi flower - also emits sweet aroma...

Kaffir tree - this one is transferred from my sister Jamilah's pot. It grows better in the farm, but the tree looked less "bushy" than it should, for both mother and son keep on plucking the leaves for "tom yum" and instant noodle respectively... hahhaha

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