Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Other Edibles

This is the continuation of edible herbs that I posted some time back. Some of the herbs I have mentioned before, now for the pictures.

Pucuk paku merah. One of the most common fern in our surrounding. Plenty of it by the road shoulder along Kuantan-Rompin road. The shoot is part of the "sayur rampai daun kayu", it is actually the "sayur lemak kuning" of a mixture of edible leaves.

"pokok lampin budak" - another leaves that goes into the "sayur lemak". Quiet difficult to describe its taste, as the vegetables are "mixed", thus it is not possible to single out a particular leaves taste.

"Pokok mengkudu" - either mixed in the "sayur" of eat it raw as "ulam". But my favorite is the "kerabu". I remember asking mother to prepare the kerabu every other day when I was small.

The "putat". Better taken as "ulam". I am not aware if it ws added to the sayur.

"mata ayam" - quiet common, either mixed in the sayur or part of ulam for "laksa". The namesake is due to a bunch of red small fruit that resemble the chicken's eyes.

"penar" - don't know if the spelling is right. She is the cousin of mata ayam above.

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