Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Edible Leaves Pt 2

There are many other edible leaves around, sprouting in the farm, here is another one, followed by a correction!

This is "ketumbit" or rather the "ketumbit dara" (the ketumbit that is yet to bear flower... heheh macam2...). Mother said it is remedy for heartburn - boiled and drink the water. Or take as ulam - celur, cicah budu hahaha. Collected some the other day for Mak Engku the midwife/masseuse in the kampung for her herbal remedy - I don't know what the remedy is for...

CORRECTION: This was reported as "kacip siti fatimah" earlier - which is not. The correct name is "payung siti fatimah" - see, macam2 kan...

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