Friday, January 2, 2009

Ulam-ulam and Edible Leaves

More often than not, we used to "pluck" our vegetables in the wild. Other than fungi, leaves and shoots were part of our diet... Like the mushroom, the other "edibles" came back to me when I work for the farm - some of it are almost forgotten... Our "sayur pucuk kayu" normally is a mixed of 3-4 varieties of shoots of "lampin budak", "mata ayam", "putat", "sekentut", "bayam lang", "bayam praksi", "bayas", "peria laut", "kacip siti fatimah". As well as the more common "pegaga", "(pucuk) labu", "(pucuk) ubi (stela, kayu)", "ulam raja", "paku merah" etc. And not forgetting "petai" and "jering"...

Maybe in other posting I can tell about "umbut" eh?

Pegaga are a plenty! This one grows like a star shape, someone remarked...

Bayam praksi, quite common in the farm. It has a soothing aroma, and menthol like after taste... My mum's favorite ulam!

Bayam Lang, quite rare...

Kacip Siti Fatimah in a "sayur" - taste like mushroom! Can you imagine?

Petai - bought the Thailand sapling from agri expo. Supposed to bear fruit faster than the Malaysian cousin. I've been wondering why is Thailand's agri technology is so much more advanced than Malaysia? Other than trying to do a poor catch-up with Thailand, I don't see much product from the Jabatan Pertanian, more so in fruit trees. Btw, we also have a "wild" grown up "jering" in the farm, and its started fruiting for the first time...

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