Thursday, January 15, 2009


Papaya is easy to grow and don't need much attention. We have quite a number of papaya trees in the farm. Most of it grow on its own with both red and yellow types, I guessed. Cannot tell for sure until it bear fruits.
When the papaya trees were about 1-2 ft height, "something" was so fond of the trees and nibbled its young leaves and shoots either early in the morning or in the evening. We have not encountered with the shy animal, but suspected a mousedeer... It is quite likely, for the damage to other part of the trees were minimal - unlike the damage caused by monkeys or wild boar or even cow. Furthermore, as we suspected, the trees are safe as they grow above 3 ft height... Nevertheless, most of the trees were left with permanent scars and some are freaky with 2 "branches"...
The raining season is not over yet - not until Chinese New Year (observed the elders). Papaya and chili especially, are hanging on dear lives. Both plants suffer if there was excess water in the ground. Hopefully they will survive the monsoon rain and recuperate comes spring!

The permanent scar...

The freaky 2 headed monster(?)...

New beginning all over again...

A new hope - surviving the heavy rain...

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