Monday, January 12, 2009

Kulat Bintang

Kulat Bintang is one of the luminescent mushrooms (glow in the dark). Many years ago, we used to collect the mushrooms in quite a distance kebun, put it one each on our eyelids and wait for our victims in the dark (bawah rumah, usually).... hahahah. Those were the days - when we put such efforts for a simple pleasure... Now I have the time and means to observe the surroundings and many times I was stunned by the beauty of Allah's creature... Click on the pictures below to understand what I am trying to describe but cannot find the words... except Subhanallah!

The simple mushroom on the dead log... Look at the gluten that covers the top.

The beautiful and delicate yet elegant. The gills view...

Noticed the fine white powders on the log? Only present after the mushrooms at full bloom. I also noticed the "spider web strings" on other kulat bintang - and wonder what it is... Maybe I have the chance to shoot the mushroom during night time when the glow is visible...


Megumi said...

These pictures are amazing. The mushrooms look so slick and beautiful.

ummualya said...

i didn't notice this mushroom glow in the dark, but i know there are a few plants did..
agree that you can take an amazing pictures, even the less beautiful mushrooms looks elegant.. remind me of marilynn monroe skirt...