Monday, December 15, 2008


First planted the banana about 6 weeks ago. Banana is a heart warming plant to cultivate - fast growing and each time it would welcome you, by waving gently in the morning breeze. I was warned the it will reproduce out of control and invade space of other plants. Till then, I am enjoying the green, waving leaves, that is before it bear fruit la...

The first batch, bought from Ayah Wan - the one time "Peladang Jaya Negeri Pahang". He gave me many useful tips in farming. There was about 15 seedlings of "pisang berangan", "kelat siam" and nipah.

Look at how happy she is under the morning sun!

This is the "pisang bakaran". Not quite common. But this is among the few things that local mother in confinement was allowed to take - strictly steamed! And this type would make the best "goreng pisang". You should try it's creamy taste - that is if you appreciate "goreng piang" as I do lah. Bought the seedling from Pak Aji's fruit stall in Beserah which is selling Ah Hu's farm products, including the famous durian hijau...

Btw, the banana trees look all the same, aren't they?

This one is special - unknown type for it grows on its own after we clear the land - believe it or not! And she is not alone... there is another tree uphill. I just have to wait until it bear fruit to know for certain what type they are.

Can't resist the artistic shot, which is not so successful. But look at the background... Isn't it durian seedling? More in the next posting maybe...

1 comment:

ummualya said...

Six week only? with that size? must be very fertile land ha.. I like pisang nipah.. steam and poured with sweet coconut milk.. hmmm