Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Beginning

There is a piece of land inherited from the great-great grandfather, the area of "sekangkang kera". With too much time in hand, I was thinking of realizing my day dream of having a durian tree, if not a durian orchard. The land was long abandoned, thus thick with wild growth with the "palas", "kubung", "balik angin", "pinang merding" etc. The biggest tree was about "sepemeluk", while others were as big as a tight or calf. The initial plan was to hire the Indonesian hand to do the clearance. However, there was some "politik kampung", - I believe the "other side" has sabotaged my plan and threaten the poor Indon. Well then, if I have to do it on my own, then I have to do it on my own... That was sometime in May/June 2008. The clearance work takes quite a while. I rented back-hoe to uproot a couple of older trees that aged about over 80 years old. Then, with the " memerun" and burning. Many times when I watched the burning fire, I remembered hell - too close for comfort...
The land is on the side of a small hill, with swampy area at the bottom, and high and dry at the other end. The varied terrain types make it suitable to plant almost everything, from coconut to padi!

How it was before...

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