Thursday, December 25, 2008

Favorite Subject - Mushrooms and Other Fungi

The farm reminded me of my childhood days when everyday was an adventure. I was always fascinated with mushrooms. Beside its unique shape, color and textures, it certainly is delicious! I cannot resist but to squad down and take a closer look at them. Mushrooms particularly in season in late summer and most of autumn (just like in England, I read!). There are other mushrooms that grow all year round. Until now, I found some of more common fungi like "kulat sisir", "kulat bintang", "kulat txxx lembu", "kulat bxxxxx lembu", "kulat telinga kera" and "kulat Pak Pandir". I am looking forward for summer when it get more interesting with wide variety of mushrooms most of it are edible - I will save that for Fungi Part II. As for now...

"Kulat sisir (edible) - Very common, growing on decaying tree trunk. This one grow on a half burned tree trunk - giving it the dramatic color contrast of black and white.

The more interesting perspective of the "kulat" where the drama unfolded, where crawlies busy feeding...

"Kulat txxx Lembu". The name derived from its favorite growing place i.e. on or around cow dung - not this one though...

Look at the textures...

"Kulat liat" (edible) - sweet and chewy... Came in 2 variant - white and gray, just like the commercial oyster mushroom.

"Kulat Cawan" (edible) - less common and normally grow single or in pair only.

"Kulat Bintang" (white) The "glow in the dark" mushroom

...and Kulat Telinga Kera" - (brown, edible) - good for soup.
I don't know this one... In fact I found this one first time. Interestingly, it only has one short thread like root despite its puffy body.

1 comment:

ummualya said...

Nora, really nice "research" on kulat liar.. these day dah tade sangat..
still remember the fine taste of "kulat tahun", have u heard about this type? selalu tumbuh dua kelompok berlawanan..