Friday, December 19, 2008

Okra and Pest Control

After the Okra post the other day, Cik Ros asked me about the secret of pest free looking okra. I did mentioned earlier the intent to keep the farm 'organic'. It is a huge challenge as 2/3 of the farm is surrounded by the 'wilderness'. We have more than we can handle pests, from the kelulut bug, a wide variety of grasshoppers, caterpillars to the white ants and God knows what...

The solution came by chance, or rather we just take what is thrown at us, and work around it. I don't think we can fight the system, so we join them, as much as possible. The pests somehow do not disturb the okra, I can't tell why for sure. However, my theory is that the pests are "well fed" with other plants i.e. the spinach and sawi. Just 'redho' and accept that the spinach and sawi are meant for the pests, while we enjoy the bountiful harvest of okra, tomato, chili and others. Now is that nature justice or what?

So Cik Ros, want to try out the solution? Just throw some spinach seeds around... Who knows it works for you too? hehheheheh

Berebut-rebut nak tumbuh... Alhamdulillah...

Now, I too wonder why ah????

"...lalu Dia menjadikan mereka seperti daun-daun yang dimakan (ulat)." Al-Fiil 105:5.
They are not sparing any...

...but one!

Don't mistaken the sawi for other thing ya...

Must be "finger licking good" ah?!! hahahah

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