Saturday, December 27, 2008

Chillies, Other Spices and Herbs Pt I

We are very fond of "cili padi". Must not run out of supply at home, otherwise how to cook "singgang ikang aya" or prepare "budu", not to mention "masak lemak cili padi" (Pahang version)?. Other chili i.e. the abundant Thailand's "cili kerawit" and the new glossy red small chili simply don't taste the same. We planted few trees, the rest grow on wild as we cleared the land - normally it favor the odd place - on a steep slope... The Chillies grows well during summer, however stunted during monsoon. Too much rain is no good for chillies. I hope it will survive a couple of months more. As traditional as a kebun can be, we also planted other spices and herbs like lemon grass (including serai wangi), tumeric, ginger (white and red), basil, curry leaves, "kantan" and of course, galangal!

"Lada Burung" is actually what it is called here. Why's the name? Somebody's theory is that the tree is spread by birds (via its droppings hehehe)

Budu and singgang tongkol anyone?


The white type, given by a cousin. He said this type is priced a little lower than the red type...

Not least, big chilli - hope it will turn red soon...

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