Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Seranek and Kelulut...

Experimenting the camera again - still frustrating when it won't do what I intended... Micro shoot common issue of focus... Many times the camera went absurd and beep the "unable to focus" alarm... At this stage I am only using about 10% of the camera features - at least more than my brain usage hehehe.... Maybe I will venture further into the manual setting (yes, even auto camera has this feature...) maybe la.... after all they won't innovate the auto camera for nothing .... hahaha

Rumput Seranek - common in the swamp. Very difficult to get rid of - unless if we used weed killer... But I am determined to keep the farm organic, so let it be la...

As I spy with my 2 little eyes... Can you find the kangkong in the midst? Hahaha Remember the song "tinggi lah rumput dari padi"

The more successful shot... The actual size of this kelulut flower is about the size of 5 sen coin. Btw, kumbang tu tak gi skolah, gi tunjuk tut...tut... plak - kalu nak posing biarlah btul2 hahahaha....

...posing betul2 like this one.

Mata dah rabun skarang ni, I did't notice the ant in the picture until I viewed it in the computer screen....


ummualya said...

wau.. really nice shots.. kumbang tu betul2 posing aaa

Anonymous said...

when words failed to describe the beauty and wonder of God's creation... Only "Subhanallah" is apt