Sunday, December 21, 2008

Rambutan & Pulasan

The "must have" in any farm... I bought some saplings from Balok Pasar Malam as well as Taman Pertanian. The popular varieties like "anak sekolah", "gula batu" and the latest rage "rambutan laici". Rambutan is not as 'manja' as durian. All grow well and healthy and quite rapid progress... Planted about the same time with durian. The trees are said to bear fruit in 2 years time, in 2010 inshaallah! Somehow, it is not as interesting as durian though...

Sorry la, can't tell which is which - all look the same... Notice the brinjal in the back ground?

Another unknown tree - be it red or yellow fruit? Only time will tell, kalu panjang umur la, hehehe...

Another one on the hill slope...

This one looks a little different - must be a pulasan la, you think?

1 comment:

ummualya said...

"dokong" pong sedap... macam besor je tanahnya.. everything can be planted it looks like..