Sunday, December 28, 2008

UBIs, other than stela

Other than stela, also common tubes are tapioca and yam. We are also trying planting roots of "ubi besar"a.k.a. "ubi nasi", "ubi kxxxx" a.k.a "kemili" and "ubi itek" a.k.a "ubi tokrok" (sorry, no pics yet). I particularly like yam best, with its variants of "keladi maras", "keladi telur" a.k.a. "susu", "keladi rakit" , "keladi pinang" and whatnots...

Keladi telur, among the first plant in the farm...

Keladi maras (purple) and pinang, I think, (green)

Looking at this pic, I am thinking of budu again...

Particularly like the lights play of this shot...

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