Sunday, December 14, 2008

Cherry Tomatoes, Okra and old photography...

This kebun blog stirred back the love for photography that I abandoned some time back. I am using the automatic digital camera, Canon Powershot A430, bought sometime back by my mother, and much underutilised... A bit frustrated initially for I can't get the shot that I wanted - and I miss the old SLR that was my constant companion in the early 90's. I finally decided that I will need to learn the new technology features in the camera - and the first few pages of the manual result as below. I am looking forward to learn more and improve the shots...

The Cherry Tomatoes - seeds from the fruits sold at Balok pasar malam...

...sweet and crunchy as it is or add the sweet-sour flavor to the curry...

Planted after raya puasa, now ready to harvest. Tapi ada abt 8 pokok jer hehehe...


ummualya said...

nice shot heh, even with auto camera..
to be frank aku tak yau apa2 pasal kamera..
aku cuma ambik gambo objek yang aku minat mengikut pandangan mata..
ingat nak belajar juga.. tapi setakat ini
masa mencemburui aku..

nampak sedap le tomato cherry tu.. aku ingat tak leh hidup kat malaysia.. boleh rupenya ye..

ummualya said...

i already comment 2 times, but it did not appear here.. hmm wonder why..
anyway.. keep posting

nora said...

patient my dear nenekalya, errr i mean ummualya...