Wednesday, December 17, 2008


First bought 2 saplings at Balok's pasar tani - the popular type is "Raja Kunyit". The pasar tani's operator is just a middleman - the saplings were from China man's nursery somewhere in Johor. At RM14/sapling, you get a healthy looking tree. Later on, I attempted the state's own Taman Pertanian Jubli Perak along the Kuantan Bypass (not far from UIA). The Taman Pertanian nursery is in a sorry state... with thin, malnourished saplings... There are several types of durian saplings - I can't remember the code numbers, but the alternative names are polititian's wives' name. Not quite good strategy though, for I tak sampai hati nak beli durian "Siti Hasmah"... heheh. Despite the poor saplings condition, I bought some anyway, at RM5/sapling.

But what do I expect? The Taman Pertanian's saplings only survived for about a month after replanting before they die off. I bought another Pasar Tani's type i.e. 101 variety (aka IOI, not the mall...) - as replacement. There are also a couple of trees that we planted from seeds. Our area is actually famous for its "durian Beserah" - especially "Durian Hijau" type that came from Ah Hu's farm (again), I did mentioned briefly earlier in the banana posting. The durian sells at more than RM14/kg and would only fall at RM8/kg during peak season when fruits aplenty. Now, why didn't I plant the durian hijau seeds? Beats me... However, my favorite is still the old "Durian Tembaga", planted by great-grand-dad at the kebun. Copper colored, creamy, thick and... no words can explain...

I found out that planting durian is not as fun as first thought, for the progress is so slowww... The first Raja Kunyit was planted about 6 months ago, but I hardly see any growth - except for one time when it produce a batch of new leaves... but hardly noticeable growth. Requires a lot of patients, I suppose. Now the trick is to just ignore the growth...

Mak Teh took the honour to plant the first Raja Kunyit to commemorate her visit to the farm

...and Pak Teh, likewise

The 101 type

The 101's batch of new leaves - looks like gold eh? Aptly hailed as King of Fruits...

Bila nak besar ni Mak Teh oi?...

1 comment:

ummualya said...

aku pong nak tanam satu spesis durian la.. dari kebun mek.. tapi tadok sappling pulok